Friday Morning Recap of the Week and Prizes

We’re ready to roll up our sleeves for the Friday Workshop, but we’ll go back over the week in this first session and make sure that you don’t have any gaps in your action plan.  Once we know you’re good, we’ll dive into the day and Create Systems for Your Business!

Thursday Kickoff – Recap – With Prizes!

Wow!  Boot Camp is over halfway through – only 2 more days!  This morning we will go over all that we learned during Early Childhood Photography on Wednesday and lay out the plan for Thursday/Friday.  Of Course, Prizes will be given so DON’T MISS IT!

PreCon1_CameraBasics4Volume – FREE Optional Camera Setup Workshop

Not sure how to White Balance or set your camera up for Volume Photography Success? We’ll take a look at how to knock all of this out in this Optional Pre-Con session (and the online training sent out prior to the Boot Camp) and make sure you’re ready to Rock n Roll on Day 1!!!

Tuesday KickOff

IT’S GAMEDAY!   Join Mitchell and Carl as they kick off Sports Photography day with some great prizes (Must Be In Your Seat to Win!).  We’ll do a quick review of the school photo portraits taken on Monday and then set the stage for the rest of Tackling Sports Tuesday!

Kickoff Session – Orientation

We’ll get things started off right – with “the Plan” for the week, lots of knowledge, AND SOME GREAT STARTER PRIZES!

In this session, we will:

Make Introductions /
Provide the Orientation Information /
Set the Expectations /
Give Away the Initial Prizes!