Friday’s Workshop is included FREE for anyone booking by July 16th!
Just a quick note here that if you book your Room/Boot Camp by July 16th 2023, we will give you the Friday Systems Workshop absolutely free. You can join the […]
Systems 4 Volume Photographers – Your Action Plan
Okay, so what do you do when you get home and “Life Happens”? We’ll go through your Action Plan of what you need to do when you get back (or even on the ride home) to be ready to tackle the Fall Season with Gusto! You will know solidly what steps to take and how to accomplish them! This will be our Closing Session so make sure you don’t miss it!
Systems 4 Volume Photographers – The Top 10 Systems You Need
So what are the Top 10 Systems/Processes that you need to have in your business as a Volume Photographer? We’ll go through what these are and you can use your […]
Systems 4 Volume Photographers – Defining Where You Are
SESSION I: As we start our 5 Hour Workshop on setting up Systems for your Volume Photography Business, it’s imperative that we know Where You Are Right Now. This will allow us to identify your greatest needs with regard to SYSTEMS. Bring any and all Processes and Systems you have in place now to help you complete this section. Share with the group if you want – but it’s completely optional.
Dance-Cheer-Gymnastics – How to Conduct the Perfect Picture Day!
Dance, Cheer, and Gymnastics photo events can sometimes intimidate photographers – even veteran portrait photographers. Let Sheryl take you through her simple process of how she sets it all up for success…AND…how she gets some amazing high-end portraits with 1 light and good timing! You won’t want to miss this regardless of what type of photography you focus on because I promise you there are things you can learn.
Wednesday Recap and Release
We’ll gather after this awesome day with younger children and recap the day’s knowledge bombs. This de-brief is important and is a great time to see what elements each attendee noticed and what insights everyone can share. Oh Yeah, There will be Prizes for those in attendence!!!
Networking Segment
If you are a seasoned veteran of Preschool Photography and feel like you’ve got it down, or, perhaps you have chosen to focus on other volume segments, then we have a special Networking Area set up just for you! In our Breakout/Networking Room, we’ll give you the opportunity to swap information, ask questions, and generally, grow your network while we work with the Littles in the Main room.
Preschool Photography – Equipment, Lighting, and Posing Demo
Learn that you DO NOT have to have tons of equipment to successfully photograph an Early Childhood Center. You can do it with just a few pieces of gear and good organization (you know, a good System!) Come see that You Can Do It!
Preschool Photography – Now What? Post Production & e-Commerce
Melissa will share with you how important it is to manage your data and images and how you can do that effectively. Learn how to get all the right names on all the right faces and get bright – shining proofs out to parents quickly so that they can fall in love with their ‘Little’ all over again.
Preschool Photography – How to have an Amazing Picture Day!
Melissa and her team at Spoiled Rotten Photography are the champions of an “Amazing Picture Day!” She will walk you through step-by-step how to set it up, execute with enthusiasm, and wrap it all up so that your center directors are totally in love with you!